I am so proud of my husband Mike for all the hard work and it feels sooo good to FINALLY be in a position to say IT IS OVER!!! YOU DID IT!!! Now i get my husband back yeah! Mike has finally received his bachelors degree is and on May 2nd we got to go to his graduation and celebrate. It was so great to have my mom come and Mikes parents come and support him. I remember whan he started school part time and that was only what in between and 7 years ago? not sure it has been so long it is almost a blur. It was so long and it felt at times like i never had a husband because he was so busy with work and school and studying it was crazy and now it has finally paid off and i deserve a second honeymoon don't you think? So to my husband...I love you so much and i am so proud of all you have accomplished and all you do and sacrifice for our family. You are an amazing man and i know there isn't anything you can't accomplish and won't accomplish. Congrats and we love you so much!